Living with Autism: A Parent's Perspective

A Parent's look at Dealing with an Autistic Child

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Welcome to our blog. Here Michelle and I (Carl) will try over time to give you an idea of the struggles and the triumphs of raising an autistic child. He is lovable and happy most of the time but is basically nonverbal and nonsocial. He is getting better with time and a lot of effort on our part (and on his) and this journey we will try to explain as we go along

As Summer vacation continues we find more and more we are having to make  greater efforts to find things for our son to do. He is as summer continues becoming increasingly bored and harder to please. Early on in the vacation we were caught with the dilemma of the fact that he was basically confiscating either my wife or my computer the moment we moved from the desk so we quickly came to the conclusion that it was necessary to haul my old computer up from the basement for his and his older sister’s use. Didn’t really work of course as now one takes their computer and the other still tries to use ours.


We do find he enjoys time in the vehicle regardless or where he is going as there is few problems when travelling either short stints to the store or long trips out of town. This means that when possible we do try to take him out as much as possible to give him the best possible option of time out and about. We are also finding excursions to various play parks do wonders to chill his mood and so take him there as often as possible as it is helpful to him to be out playing and is still a generally fun outing for the whole family. Water play parks also seem to catch his fancy most of the time.


We are finding that on occasion he is hitting out and there is a bit more frequency to his hitting though as a general rule he seems to avoid hitting his baby sister and the worst seems to be leaning on her high chair (which she extremely vocally tells him she does not like). His older sister does get some degree of his frustration though in many of the cases it is not much different then normal brother/sister disagreements on who is going to get to do what when and instigated by her as much as by him so while we do discourage it we also acknowledge that if he was non-autistic we would still be subject to the majority of the disagreements anyway.


All said I find the summer is progressing along nicely and will (like any normal parent) be quite happy when Sept the 8th rolls around and we are back to a nice quiet and peaceful household for a good part of the day.


On one side note we are finding that as summer progresses he is getting increasingly vocal while still not near what would be considered normal talking for his age range he is definitely not where he was when school ended so we can very much be pleased with the progress made there this summer


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