Living with Autism: A Parent's Perspective

A Parent's look at Dealing with an Autistic Child

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Welcome to our blog. Here Michelle and I (Carl) will try over time to give you an idea of the struggles and the triumphs of raising an autistic child. He is lovable and happy most of the time but is basically nonverbal and nonsocial. He is getting better with time and a lot of effort on our part (and on his) and this journey we will try to explain as we go along

When I initially realized who my son’s teacher would be this year I was a bit concerned. I had seen the teacher around the school and i felt that she just might be a bit hard and perhaps not the best option for teaching an autistic child. Boy was I wrong. 


When I first met her during our year end interview last year she first got my attention when she noticed a couple of things about my son that made me realize she was at worst extremely observant.


1. She realized my son could identify many of the kindergarten sight words and most of the grade 1 sight words (he had just finished kindergarten) this she realized while his previous teacher had the list underneath a pile of papers (she wasn’t concerned as she didn’t feel it was important enough to share)


2. She realized that my son was quite capable of playing well with his sister (leading her to believe he could play well with others) however when she asked the previous teacher the response was “I don’t know who he plays with” fortunately the TA’s were able to provide those details also.


Now we are almost a month into the new school year and a few details have come to my attention that amazed me.


1. last year my son got 4 “feather in your hat” achievement certificates 3 of which were from his TA and one from his teacher. This year in one month he has already gotten 5 and 4 of them are from his teacher. This tells me that she is not only paying attention to what he is doing but she is engaging him in the classroom.


2. This year due to a work to rule situation amongst the TA’s our son is missing one of his recesses, now ordinarily i would be freaking however instead he is being monitored in the school gym by the local head of Special Olympics and he was invited to join the training program. This is not actually because of his athletic ability but because instead at the age my son is they can do the most to put him in a position to at least enjoy sporting events and he wants to try.


3. My son started this year at a reading level A and within the space of a month has progressed to a C this again tells me just how much his teacher is actually paying attention to him and moving him along at the pace that suits him


So in addition to this my son now gets weekly Special Olympics training in addition to his schooling which is presently including weekly swimming lessons and biweekly trips to another school which has an extraordinary sensory room.


Personally I feel my son will progress extremely far this year under the present circumstances and that is lovely to watch.


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