Living with Autism: A Parent's Perspective

A Parent's look at Dealing with an Autistic Child

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Welcome to our blog. Here Michelle and I (Carl) will try over time to give you an idea of the struggles and the triumphs of raising an autistic child. He is lovable and happy most of the time but is basically nonverbal and nonsocial. He is getting better with time and a lot of effort on our part (and on his) and this journey we will try to explain as we go along

In my most recent post I was discussing different styles of autism and how the actions of one affects the other.


I guess while i have always realized that there were two sides to the autism corner, I never realized just how distinct they were till yesterday.


During the lead up to and through the “Shut Down for Autism” there was also a second group pushing to “Speak Up for Autism” On the one hand you were learning what it was like to be “disconnected” like those with autism and on the other you were “Speaking up” for those who could not speak up for themselves.


While watching twitter in the lead in to the Shut Down it was obvious to see who was on what side, but it was also obvious as to why each was choosing that side. Those who connected most with (or were themselves) high functioning autistics chose the Shut down. Those that were parents of low functioning autistics generally took the Speak up role.


The energies in both of these groups is incredible but many times it works at cross purposes. The issue being that those who are high functioning are saying look at me I can do almost everything you can do and sometimes I can even do it better. The low functioning group is saying look at my child. I will be happy if he can simply learn to show some emotions but I will be ecstatic if he can say “I love you” and kiss me good night.


While I understand and agree with those who are high functioning wanting acceptance as they are, I also see the need to help remove the causes of Autism from the world because those who are on the low functioning end are increasing in numbers drastically and daily and we as a world will not be able to sustain their care if we do not start to work to eradicate the overall causes of this mental illness or disease.


We as a combined group must work to get both messages out. And we must work to show that they are not a contradiction in terms. Autism is such a large spectrum with so many different types of autism and we must learn that all those diagnosed with autism have autism but each of those diagnosed with autism have unique needs to that person as an individual and we must work to make sure that each of those needs are met at least until we have the ability to cure the disease


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