Living with Autism: A Parent's Perspective

A Parent's look at Dealing with an Autistic Child

About this blog

Welcome to our blog. Here Michelle and I (Carl) will try over time to give you an idea of the struggles and the triumphs of raising an autistic child. He is lovable and happy most of the time but is basically nonverbal and nonsocial. He is getting better with time and a lot of effort on our part (and on his) and this journey we will try to explain as we go along

While it is questioned whether or not Daniel actually has autism due to his social ability this is still an incredible story of a savant that is typically only seen in a rare few individuals. While these rare few individuals are usually autistic, it is still quite atypical even amongst the autistic community as well.


I accidently found this video on a blog on the ChicagoNow network and found it to be incredible to watch.  The subject of the video is Daniel Tammet from the UK.


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