Living with Autism: A Parent's Perspective

A Parent's look at Dealing with an Autistic Child

About this blog

Welcome to our blog. Here Michelle and I (Carl) will try over time to give you an idea of the struggles and the triumphs of raising an autistic child. He is lovable and happy most of the time but is basically nonverbal and nonsocial. He is getting better with time and a lot of effort on our part (and on his) and this journey we will try to explain as we go along

My issue is that by not focusing on research to find the true causes (my actual belief is genetic/environmental combination with environmental likely being vaccine related) and treatments/cures as well as focusing on long term care for those who are not fortunate enough to be able to function relatively close to NT that we are leading to issues like that seen here


While it is good to focus on the accomplishments of those who can achieve close to NT status or even better those who can achieve the status of “savant” http://www.aparentsperspective.....brain.html it is also imperative to spend a serious portion of effort looking at how to avoid long term care issues as well as public endangerment issues that come from those who are severely affected by autism and are not likely to ever be able to truly function separately from a full time care situation.


When we focus solely on the achievements of those who are achieving NT-like success, and the media is showing articles like those I showed above it means that those who are close to NT but still known to be autistic will never be completely trusted because no one will ever be sure how far they might be away from a situation that might put them in that type of situation.


We get to far away from research when we attempt to stifle any attempt to look into any possible avenue of research


It does not matter what the actual cause is. That cause needs to be identified and that can only be done through true comprehensive research. That research cannot happen when the community in and of itself supports anyone who is belittling any opinion in to possible causes no matter what it is.

The autistic community as a whole needs to stand up with a united voice and say ” we need to identify the true cause(s) of autism regardless what it is and regardless who we upset in the process


I have been mulling over the possibility of using this blog as a starting point to create a charity aimed specifically at researching the causes/treatments and possible cures of autism. To do this properly I seriously believe that we need to ignore those who belittle any specific form of research and instead do everything in our power to exhaustively research every possible cause of autism including genetics or vaccines as stand alone causes and as linked causes between themselves or other possible factors.  I believe treatments need to look at each and every radical theory to determine if the solution is any specific one or various different ones depending on the individual child. I also believe that the cure option needs to examine all sorts of radical “cures” both to eliminate those that are slowing down other potential cures as well as to potentially identify those cures that may work in individual or mass settings.


At this point this is my thought process and it has been reached by watching people be so scared of saying the wrong thing or fearing that speaking the wrong words can lead to censure by major public figures or medical boards. We as a community need to stand together and say loudly “It is imperative we find the true causes of this disability so we can slow it’s advance through the population”


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