Living with Autism: A Parent's Perspective

A Parent's look at Dealing with an Autistic Child

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Welcome to our blog. Here Michelle and I (Carl) will try over time to give you an idea of the struggles and the triumphs of raising an autistic child. He is lovable and happy most of the time but is basically nonverbal and nonsocial. He is getting better with time and a lot of effort on our part (and on his) and this journey we will try to explain as we go along

For years we have been repeatedly told that Dr. Wakefield’s study had been not repeated regardless how many times different researchers had tried. We have been repeatedly told that no matter how many ways the researchers tried no one had been able to duplicate his work.


Most of us have always known this to be a hoax as we were all well aware of the fact that a different doctor had replicated his results in the early 2000’s but what we only recently have found out is that not only was this research duplicated but that Dr. Wakefield’s research was not actually unique but was instead a replication of an earlier test done by another doctor.


This means that regardless of what the naysayers are saying that this study had been replicated in essence at least twice (it also leads people to question the reliability of the studies who “could not duplicate” Dr. Wakefield’s results)


We also know for certain that there were at least 12 names on the Wakefield report as well as any other names also on the other two doctors reports. This means that of 15 people involved in producing these results only one, Dr. Wakefield, was ever investigated/struck off for this result. This means that the BMJ and Mr. Deer have only two options. Either they must withdraw their accusations against Dr. Wakefield or they must investigate/strike off the other 14 doctors that have walked away from this mess with no discussion or no taint.


The sole reason that this research was attacked stemmed completely from the fact that Dr. Wakefield suggested the link between MMR and autism should be investigated.


The problem is that the reaction to his suggestion makes many people suspect that he just might have been onto something.


Personally I support vaccinations ( except one or two I consider extremely frivolous, however all major vaccines i support) but this does lead me to question their safety.  The only way to determine the truth is to completely investigate the safety of each individual vaccine both on it’s own and as a combination with other’s. 


This does not on it’s own explain why certain individuals contract autism while others who likely follow the same vaccine regimen might not and the only possible explanation would be some form of genetic weakness that would allow these vaccines to have an unforeseen (hopefully) reaction. The other small possibility is an existing illness of some form during vaccination may also trigger this reaction.


Only through full and thorough testing will we ever find out what option is correct and this is something that is going to have to happen soon.


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