Living with Autism: A Parent's Perspective

A Parent's look at Dealing with an Autistic Child

About this blog

Welcome to our blog. Here Michelle and I (Carl) will try over time to give you an idea of the struggles and the triumphs of raising an autistic child. He is lovable and happy most of the time but is basically nonverbal and nonsocial. He is getting better with time and a lot of effort on our part (and on his) and this journey we will try to explain as we go along

Kasper Autism Robot


Kaspar the friendly robot teaches autistic children to enjoy a simple hug


I found an interesting story about some work they are doing in the UK with a robot teaching children to read emotions.


I had actually been researching another article i planned to write at the time and found this story which when read through actually gives some hope that maybe a bit more functionality can be put back into the lives of some of the most seriously affected autistic children.


From what i have seen the results appear to be amazing and is just another tool technology has given us to help our autistic children. Sometimes I think that autistic children (and adults) get far better support from the technology sector then from the health sector or the government.


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